来源:www.sdynbz.com 发布时间:2021-07-28 浏览次数:122
Disposable packaging box is the product of fast-paced life. However, the current quality and health status of disposable packaging box is really worrying. Anyone with long-term experience in packing meals knows that when using a disposable packing box to pack meals, the lunch box will deform when it is hot. So the question is, will long-term use of disposable packing boxes be harmful to your body?
一次性打包盒都是塑料制品,不要长期使用。塑料多为聚氯乙烯制成,这种化学物质遇高温会释放出有毒物质,伴随着饭菜进入体内危害健康。一次性发泡塑料饭盒和塑料袋盛装食物严重影响我们的身体健康。当温度达到65℃时,一次性发泡塑料餐具中的有害物质将渗入到食物中,会对人的肝脏、肾脏及中 枢神经系统等造成损害。我们现在用来装食物的超薄塑料袋一般是聚氯乙烯塑料。早在四十年前,人们就发现聚氯乙烯塑料中残留有氯乙烯单体。
Disposable packing boxes are plastic products and should not be used for a long time. Most plastics are made of polyvinyl chloride. This chemical will release toxic substances in case of high temperature, which will harm health when food enters the body. Disposable foam plastic lunch boxes and plastic bags containing food seriously affect our health. When the temperature reaches 65 ℃, the harmful substances in disposable foamed plastic tableware will penetrate into the food and cause damage to human liver, kidney and central nervous system. The ultra-thin plastic bags we use to hold food are usually PVC plastic. As early as 40 years ago, it was found that vinyl chloride monomer remained in PVC plastics.

When people are exposed to vinyl chloride, they will have symptoms such as edema of wrists and fingers, skin sclerosis, splenomegaly, liver injury and so on. Polystyrene snack box has become a part of our daily life, whether in luxury hotels or snack stalls along the street; They can be seen everywhere, whether in bus stations or airports.
由于它具有毒性较低、熔点较高、可塑性强、生产简便等特点,使它成为制造价格便宜、随用弃的一次性打包盒的好材料。一次性打包盒对环境的危害则是人们肉眼所难以觉察的。由于废旧塑料进入自然环境后难以降解。嘉洁塑业提醒大家在使用一次性饭盒时一定要选择质量好、有安 全标识的防止塑料饭盒盛放高温高油的食物产生有害物质。
Because it has the characteristics of low toxicity, high melting point, strong plasticity and simple production, it has become a good material for manufacturing cheap and disposable packing boxes. The harm of disposable packing box to the environment is difficult to be detected by people's naked eyes. Because waste plastics are difficult to degrade after entering the natural environment. Jiajie plastic industry reminds you that when using disposable lunch boxes, you must choose ones with good quality and safety signs to prevent harmful substances from high temperature and high oil food in plastic lunch boxes.
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