来源:www.sdynbz.com 发布时间:2021-09-03 浏览次数:122
In today's competition in the catering industry, the competition of food products in stores is far more than the food itself. The packaging design of food products is equally important, and the packaging design of food products will become more and more important for attracting potential customer groups.
当然,在我们关注产品设计美观与否的同时,也得把食品包装的安 全问题放在举足轻重的位置,特别是那些直接接触食品的包装材料。今天我们就来谈谈关于食 品 级包装用纸的那些小知识,去了解一下何谓真 正的食 品 级包装用纸。
Of course, while we pay attention to the beauty of product design, we also have to put the safety of food packaging in a pivotal position, especially those packaging materials that directly contact food. Today, let's talk about the little knowledge about food grade packaging paper to understand what is real food grade packaging paper.

The common packing material of pizza packing box is carton. Pizza boxes of different materials give consumers different feelings. A pizza packing box with unique design and assured materials can better reflect the grade of pizza and enable our pizza products to show good quality in the takeout market.
选购一款好的披萨盒来衬托升华披萨的美味是至关重要的。而好的披萨盒不仅要有新颖别致的设计,所选择的包装原料也要安 全环保、符合食品卫生安 全标准。所以选择以纯原木纸浆制成的食 品 级披萨盒就很有必要了。
It is very important to choose a good pizza box to set off the delicacy of sublimated pizza. A good pizza box should not only have a novel and unique design, but also choose packaging materials that are safe, environmentally friendly and meet food hygiene and safety standards. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a food grade pizza box made of pure log pulp.
即便它的包装成本要高于普通包装用纸,但为了环保卫生、食品安 全考虑,和企业的长久发展,大家可一定要做出正确的选择哦。
Even if its packaging cost is higher than that of ordinary packaging paper, we must make the right choice for the sake of environmental protection, health, food safety and the long-term development of the enterprise.
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